Welcome to 

Granit Technologies and Engineering (GRT) SA

engineering and contractor

Making use of proprietary "state of the art" technologies, we help our customers to process liquid and solid wastes, while preserving the environment and the human health.

Granit Technologies and Engineering (GRT) SA
Rue des Ducats 40 B
CH-1350 Orbe, Switzerland

Phone +41 (0)21 318 75 10
Fax +41 (0)21 318 75 11


Granit Technologies and Engineering (GRT) SA
Rue des Ducats 40 B
CH - 1350 Orbe, Switzerland

Phone +41 (0)21 318 75 10
Fax +41 (0)21 318 75 11





The town of Orbe is located between Lausanne and Neuchâtel.
Access by motorway or railway station CFF.